Learn The Science.

Heal Your Brain.


Learn  To Heal Your Brain from

        • Addiction
        • PTSD
        • Traumatic Brain Injury
        • Depression
        • Anxiety


Welcome To Microdose School   

“Any man could, if he were so inclined, be the sculptor of his own brain.”



In Microdose School you will learn how to sculpt your brain.

By learning how to sculpt your brain, you will in turn learn how to heal your brain.

Addiction, depression, anxiety, PTSD and certain versions of TBI, can be healed based on some of the leading neuroscience available today.

Learn The 9 Tools of Microdose School and sculpt your brain in our guided self paced course.


From the Basics to the Finer Details

In the early 1800’s,  Franz Joseph Gall, a neuroanatomist and pioneer in the study of mental functions was the first to document how different regions of the brain control specific aspects of our behavior.  

In 1900, Sigmund Freud founded a new scientific practice called Psychoanalysis which explored how the unconscious mind plays a role in how we behave based on how our brain was formed during development.

In 1977, Timothy Leary Ph.D. lecturer in clinical psychology at Harvard University wrote about the 8 Circuits of the brain, how they are formed and how they control our behavior.  Leary’s writings were expanded on in 1983 by Robert Anton Wilson Ph.D., who went on to experiment with how the brain controls the mind.

With each successive scientist and theorist the analytical results remain consistent; The Brain controls our feelings.  

Neuroscientists have a phrase, “the mind is what the brain does”.

Modern neuroscience has proven that the brain can be healed and people can recover from trauma in ways previously not known.

It doesn’t take forever to get better, but there is no overnight quick fix.  There is no magic pill.  No, it is not easy, but it is simple and if you don’t like the way you feel, learn how to heal.

Microdose School takes you step by step through each chapter so you can learn how to heal your brain.

100% Virtual On-Demand

Learn at your own pace. Your one time enrollment fee gives you unlimited lifetime access to every chapter including all of the course materials and resources.

Supplemental Resources

As new scientific research is published we will continue to update our resources library and notify those who are enrolled and signed up for email updates.


Self paced learning means you can skip some of the work if you want to.  It also means that what you put in to it is what you get back.  Some chapters have worksheets, some chapters require journal notes and some chapters have quizzes so you can track your own progress.

Ongoing Support

Member support through our FAQ chat is available 24/7

Chapter 1

66 Days in The Right Direction

How long does it take to heal your brain?

What does it take to build new neural (brain) pathways?

Hint: It’s simple but there is no magic pill or shortcuts

Chapter 2 - Your Toolbox

Health is not one-size-fits-all but The 9 Tools of Microdose School can be used by anyone trying to reach their full mental health potential.

Chapter 3 - Feelings Come From Thoughts

Fact: Change the Way You Think – You Will Change the Way You Feel

Chapter 4 - The Gut: The "Second Brain"

It’s Not All In Your Head.  The signals sent from your gut to your brain play a vital role in mental health.

Chapter 5 - Detoxify

What really is detoxing.  Why we need it to heal our brain.  How do we safely and actually effectively detox.

Chapter 6 - Neurogenesis

Grow Your Brain (Literally)

Chapter 7 - Microdosing

Small Doses With Big Results

Chapter 8 - Grow Your Own Medicine

How and Why You Need to Be Your Own Source


Vendors, Links, Documents, Glossary, Legal and More


  • I am a former Marine and combat veteran that served 2 tours in Iraq in 2004/2005. I have diagnosed Chronic PTSD and Depression with major depressive symptoms.

    As a result of this I suffered from years of self medicating through drugs and alcohol.
    I have been through divorce, bankruptcy and had my home foreclosed and cars repossessed. I was briefly homeless in 2012. I have since remained sober from alcohol and hard drugs but continue to be plagued with major depressive episodes and chronic sleep deprivation.

    Every late March/Early April, on the anniversary of some pretty terrible events, I self destruct in some way. I have been through 4 jobs in 4 years, my divorce happened in this time as well. Every single year there is about a 25-30 day span where my symptoms kick into high gear and I am barely able to function as a father, employee and just as a human being.

    This March I discovered the micro dose school. I reached out and had some psilocybin mushrooms sent to me from another site, okboomerlabs.com. I followed the instructions given to a T. This season, I only had one real hardcore breakdown. I'm still working at the same job. My family did not have to leave to go to my in-laws house once during that time as they have in previous years to give me the space I need during these episodes.

    I cannot prove this quantitatively as I never really performed a scientific experiment that could be published in a paper. I never quite kept track of the number of episodes I had experienced year to year prior to this year. But I do know that I have not changed anything other than micro dosing through the difficult time. I am very confident to say that this works and have recommended the micro dose school to a few coworkers and friends.

    I plan on upping the dosage moving forward to try and heal rather than just maintain some semblance of "normality" through difficult times. I look forward to more healing and results

    Friar J


    "its not easy, but it is simple" was a line that sticks with me to this day.  Everything they teach is simple in hindsight but I would have never known how to do any of it if not for the course.

    Before discovering microdose.school, I struggled with anxiety, depression and chronic migraines. Honestly I felt trapped.  It was like a constant cycle of worry and unease. Traditional methods of treatment helped at times but there was always a side effect.  One of the things that made the most sense to me about trying microdose school was no side effects but also how it heals the brain not just make you feel better from whatever treatment you're using.  It either works if you use the tools or it doesn't if you don't.

    My anxiety and migraine headaches are at an all time low.  I still get sad from time to time, obviously but I am not depressed like I was and I have grown to look forward to using the tools each day.

    Microdosing mushrooms in conjunction with the additional "tools" of the program, has created a new outlook on health for me.  My energy levels are way up and that unexpected benefit was an awesome added bonus.

    microdose.school has been an absolute game-changer for me and I couldn't recommend it highly enough.

    Jeff Y.

  • Title: A Transformative Journey to Mental Wellness - My Microdose School Review

    As a mother and an individual seeking personal growth and mental wellness, my experience with Microdose School has been nothing short of remarkable. The program's approach to microdosing has not only transformed my perspective as a positive and open-minded mom but has also improved my overall well-being significantly through learning the role the body plays in mental health.

    From the very beginning, Microdose School provided a safe and supportive environment for exploration. The comprehensive instructions and guidance offered by the program were instrumental in allowing me to embark on the microdosing journey confidently. They emphasized responsible usage and provided essential knowledge about the substances involved, ensuring I was well-informed throughout the process.

    One of the most profound aspects of Microdose School was its focus on holistic development. The program didn't just address the microdosing technique; it encouraged self-reflection, mindfulness, and healthy lifestyle practices. This well-rounded approach enabled me to understand the importance of mental and emotional well-being, resulting in a positive ripple effect on every aspect of my life.

    The supportive community is still relatively small but played a vital role in my journey. The online platform allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and gain insights from others who were also exploring microdosing for personal growth. The camaraderie made it easier to embrace accountability in the daily steps.  This is not a set it and forget it cure-all so the support was meaningful.

    Throughout the program, I noticed a significant shift in my mental health. Microdosing, combined with the program's holistic teachings on how to use all of the "Tools", helped me manage stress and anxiety better. I felt more emotionally resilient and experienced a heightened sense of awareness and clarity. As a result, I became a more present and patient mom and although my kids now tease me for some of the changes I made in the kitchen, it's all in good fun and they see results for themselves in my health.

    Microdose School's emphasis on introspection also led to a profound increase in open-mindedness. I found myself embracing new ideas and perspectives with greater ease, fostering an environment of empathy and understanding in my relationships with others.

    In conclusion, Microdose School has been a life-changing experience for me. It has not only allowed me to traverse the world of microdosing safely but has also empowered me to be a more positive, open-minded, and mentally balanced individual and mother. I wholeheartedly recommend Microdose School to anyone seeking personal growth, mental wellness, and a supportive community to embark on this transformative journey.

    Eve D.

Learn The Science




Microdose School isnt about taking mushrooms.. It’s about taking action.

Trauma comes in all sizes.

We teach people how to heal their brains from it.

Mushrooms are a part of the healing process.

That is Our Mission

